On The Fence? Learn More About What The HW App Has To Offer You!

A Framework For Optimal Health..


    An easily digestible summary of the foundational principles of the Haute Wellness Program.


    Knowledge is power! I want to help you sit confidently in the driver’s seat of your wellness journey, without the need to rely on me or anyone else to direct the course of your health. The HW App will provide you with cutting edge information on the latest research on health related topics that have the biggest impact on the general population.


    What are your pain points? This space is driven by topics derived from the HW Premium subscription’s LIVE weekly Q&As, covering topics that shine a light on our most FAQs.


    Nutrition is many of our biggest Pain Points. There is so much miss-information when it comes to the “perfect diet”, the truth is, there is no such thing. What the HW app will teach you is a realistic nutritional approach that has proven to work best for MOST people. You will also learn how to find the perfect diet for YOU through recommended self-experimentation & testing.


    The supplement industry is highly unregulated. Supplements often contain ingredients that are in forms that are not bioavailable, have less/more of the compounds listed, and, unfortunately, sometimes can even contain contaminates that are detrimental to our health. The HW App offers you a carefully vetted supplement guide with discount codes (when possible), along with information on uses & Benefits to aid you with the knowledge to customize your stack.


    Stay on track with the HW Program, and take the guesswork out of meal planning. With the HW App, you will receive new recipes every month, complete with shopping lists and nutrtional information.

  • Biohacking Gadget Guide

    Learn about cutting edge technology in the feild of “biohacking” and about ways you can positively impact your biology and aid in exercise recovery. Get exclusive discounts on products (when Possible).

  • Equipment Recommendations

    Carefully Vetted Equipment recommendations with discount codes (when possible), to get the most out of your HW fitness program.

  • PREMIUM Subscribers

    Join Me for a weekly Q&A covering all of the topics and “pain points” YOU want to discuss, which will aid in driving the content you receive on the HW App.

  • HW Book Recommendations

    Hungry for more knowledge on how to become Superhuman? You might be once you start to feel the benefits of a healthier, you! See what books and Podcast we love here at HW. Knowledge Is POWER…lets nerd out together!

  • YouTube Library

    Are you finding an exercise to challenging to perform? No worries, We are building an extensive exercise library giving you the ability to scale to versions of a movement you may not be ready to perform.

  • Mobility

    Each HW Workout Begins with a specific, functional mobility warmup to prime your body for the hard work and prevent injury.