Thank you for the privilege of entrusting me to be a part of your Wellness Journey! -

Victoria Pal, CEO. Haute Wellness INC.

How It All Began….

Introducing the Haute Wellness APP, the result of 16 years of dedication and hard work in helping people achieve optimal health. Our mission is to unlock the full potential of every client by providing customized interventions, including corrective exercise, nutrition, lifestyle changes, and holistic health approaches. We understand that the wellness industry is rife with misinformation, but our subscribers can rely on our accessible and trustworthy education. Our aim is to empower them to take control of their wellness journey with absolute certainty and confidence.

A note from our Founder…

Hello, I'm Victoria Pal, CEO of Haute Wellness. I've always been passionate about helping others improve their health and wellbeing. My inspiration to do so started at a young age, as I watched my family struggle with health problems that Western medicine couldn't solve.

Growing up as a first-generation American came with its own challenges. My mother worked long hours to support our family, while my father struggled with alcoholism. In an attempt to cope with the stress, my mother turned to food and eventually became severely obese. My twin brother also struggled with his weight, which affected his confidence and self-esteem. Watching my family suffer from these health issues broke my heart and motivated me to find solutions to help them.

I started my journey by diving deep into learning everything I could about nutrition, biology, trauma, metabolism, and fitness. I became a fitness trainer at the age of 21 and have been helping people become the healthiest versions of themselves ever since. Over the past 16 years, I've worked with thousands of clients, each with their unique challenges and needs. I've learned that no "one-track" solution works universally, so I do extensive research to find holistic solutions that work for each individual.

As a lifelong student of wellness, I've traveled the world to study with experts in various fields. I've studied meditation in the remote mountains of Tibet, worked with top functional medicine practitioners, and learned about new therapies on the horizon. I hold a corrective exercise Specialist Certification (CES & CPT) through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and a health/life coaching certification through the Human Upgrade Coaching Program.

My mission in building The Haute Wellness App was to take all the knowledge I've gained over the years and distill it into one place for my subscribers. The app is designed to provide you with the most effective interventions for your health and wellbeing, based on my experience and research.

I've been fortunate to work with a diverse range of clients, including royalty, professional athletes, A-list celebrities, business moguls, children, the elderly, and clients with disabilities. I'm grateful for the trust they've placed in me to be their fitness, nutrition, and health coach.

Our workout routines are not only enjoyable but also highly efficient, designed to cater to all levels of fitness.

Discover the revolutionary methods I employed to reverse the aging process and significantly enhance my well-being.